Saturday, January 30, 2016

Cyborg Review/Summary: Part One, Two, & Three

Lego Dimensions: Cyborg Review
     Hello, guys/girls! I told you a big post was coming and I'm here to tell you that this is NOT the one I was talking about.  This is a big post, but I'm still working on my other one. This is just something I'm posting to stall time. So, let's get to the point.
     Some of you might know that I turned thirteen on the 22nd of January. Since, my mom got me a Gamestop gift card for my B-day, she sent me down there to pick out what I wanted.
     So, I went down there and looked around. I kept on auguring on if I rather wanted Sims 3 or Minecraft (witch are really good games), but then I remembered that I had this game called, Lego Dimensions (Very fun game. You should check it out). 
     In Lego Dimensions, you have to buy characters at stores, then you can put them on your portal at home so they come to life on-screen.
     Anyways, I already had Batman, Wyldstyle, Gandalf (the characters who come with the game), and Emmet (who I got for Christmas). So, I got Wonder Woman.

     I went up to the cashier and then to my surprise, it was 50% off and cost only seven $7.50! So, with my 25$ gift card, I bought 2 more characters.
     I got Zane and Cyborg.

     Now, all the characters I bought are really cool, and I'm glad I bought them, but there is one I like the most. That is Cyborg. So, since I love the character so munch, I'm happy to say that this post is all about him. So, let's start with my Cyborg review.
     Okay. First thing I got to talk about is his design.
     As you can see, Lego put a lot of detail on the design of Cyborg. We first got to see Cyborg in the second Lego Batman game and he looked like this:
First design of Cyborg
     Now, tell me if you like this design better then the second. *Awkward Silence* Yeah, that's what I thought. The design from Lego Batman 3 is way better (which is the other picture of Cyborg I showed you).
     My favorite part about the second design is the helmet. With Lego, you don't often see helmets like this on other characters. This is actually only for the Cyborg minifigure, which makes this helmet very unique. The face is good because it expresses both the fun and joyful side of cyborg, and on the other side, the anger mode for when he is in battle.
     The body part on the other hand, has extreme detail. I have no nitpicks on it at all, and I hope you agree. The silver painting is also a nice adding because in Lego Batman 2, Cyborg's painting is more of a grey, which is just plain boring. Yes, I said boring. The grey just doesn't look nice at all.
     That's it for the design, but next is his powers/abilities in the game. Here is a list of all of Cyborg's abilities.


  • laser
  • underwater swimming
  • super strength
  • target
  • big transformation
  • technology
     I would talk about all these abilities, but in this post I'm only going to talk about 3: underwater swimming, big transformation, and laser.
Picture of Atlantis
     Okay, so my favorite ability of Cyborg's is probably the underwater swimming ability. It's very cool that how in Lego Dimensions you can swim underwater. I really like using this ability. It let me find Atlantis in the DC universe world ,and find underwater treasures in the Ninjago world.

Cyborg in big fig mode
     Next is probably the laser. All though the big transformation helps you more during fighting, the laser gets villains down quick and easy. Just aim on were you want to shoot your laser and it goes that direction. You don't to do the aim, shoot process because the laser travels the way you aim. And, to point out, using the laser is kinda fun to me.
     Last, is the big transformation ability. This is another ability that helps you fight. I like it because I don't have to use Cyborg's Cyber-guard to be a big fig. I can just turn into it. Now that I think about it, why does Cyborg have a big fig vehicle when he can turn into one?
     Now let's talk about Cyborg's vehicles.
cyber-guard, cyber-wrecker, and laser robot wrecker
     So, we have the cyber-guard, cyber-wrecker, and laser robot wrecker. To be honest, I haven't used them all so I can't judge them. They all look cool though, so I guess I can judge design, or just on what I think they do.
     The one that I like the most is the laser robot walker. I guess it's like a big fig that shoots a laser beam, but there could be more to it.
     Second is the cyber-wrecker, and that's only because it's better then the cyber-guard. I don't like the cyber guard because Cyborg already can turn into a big fig. There's no point for the cyber-guard.
     That's all about the vehicles, but I do want you to know that designs for all of them are great.
     That's all for my first big post! I really hoped you enjoyed it, and I can't wait to do more. Please go get this character because he really is great. And, if you have the money, also get Zane and Wonder Women because they are also great characters. Anyways, peace and goodnight (it's night where I live).

Oh, and here is a link to a video of a free roam with Cyborg in Lego Dimensions.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Changed logo (again!)

Hello, guys/girls! I know this is going to sound stupid (cause it is), but I changed my logo again. I think it looks better, but I would love other's opinions. I also used this logo for my YouTube channel. Anyways, I'm still working a big post that is coming soon, so I won't be posting until I'm done with it. I'll give you one hint of what it's going to be about. A rivalry. That's all you get, but I can't wait till it comes! Peace :).

Monday, January 11, 2016

A quote from Alyssa Beane

Hey guys and girls! Just showing you a quote from the book I'm making called, "The Return of the Living Nightmare" (and yes, I've finally came up with a name that might change tomorrow. lol). 
It's from a character in my book named, Alyssa Beane, who is actually dead but shows up in some flashbacks from the character.
I actually really love this character because she has so much potential, and is just a great character that I hope you guys/girls enjoy when my book gets published.
Anyways, peace.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

A character from my book

Hey guys. Just finished this drawing of a character in my book I'm writing. Don't want to give to much out, but I will say that this character is going to be important and has a very cool power. His weapon is a bow staff, but it has some tricks up it's sleeve, making not an ordinary staff. 
Another thing I will say about this drawing is that it's a rough draft, so I'm now done with the details of him. I need to add color to it and I think I'll put a mask on him. I think it'll be an African Mask, since he is an African king. Sorry, that was a big spoiler for the book, but I couldn't help myself. 
Just so you know, I got lots of ideas for this character from a character on the Destiny: Taken King cover, Donatello from TMNT, and Black Panther (without his suit on). I think this character is really unique and I can't wait to share more of my characters from my book to you.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Deadpool in February

Hey guys/girls. I was bored so I made this meme that truly comes from my heart ;). There's so many DC/ Marvel movies coming out this year like Batman v Superman, Captain America Civil War, X-men Apocalypse, and Suicide Squad, but the one I'm looking forward too most is Deadpool. Deadpool is such a unique character. He's an anti-hero, which means he can't be categorized by either hero or villain because he's kinda both. He is just one crazy, hilarious, wicked dude that is probably one of Marvel's most loved characters. Yes, all the other movies coming out will be exciting, but something in particular is that this superhero movie is rated R which means it's most likely sticking with the comics (which is also great). Deadpool isn't only going to be a great movie, but is also a great character with tons of fans. I have a bunch of Deadpool comics downloaded on Marvel Unlimited, that I can read over and over again just because the character is that exciting. I just can't wait to see it with my friends Dee and Manny because it's going to be epic. I already bought a Deadpool shirt to watch it in. So, while your waiting for those PG-13 comic movies, check out Deadpool next month and I'm sure you'll enjoy.