Monday, April 4, 2016


Hey, guys/girls! I am very excited to tell you about the new Guardians of the Galaxy event on Marvel's Avengers Academy. There was a new update for one my favorite games, Marvel's Avengers Academy, and with that update came this new event. The event has this cool plot that goes like this: Avengers Academy finds out that there is another superhero school in space. It turns out that the school was attacked, but The Guardians of the Galaxy, Nebula, and Yondu escaped from the school and landed on Earth. Not only do those characters land on Earth, but also Ronan the Accuser and the Chitauri do too (Those are the aliens that attacked the space school). Now the avenger traineys and the heroes of space must work together to stop Ronan and his alien friends from destroying Earth.

In this event, there are 4 episodes. On each episode you can unlock a certain character(s). Episode 1 let's you unlock Intergalactic Iron Man, Nebula, and Star-Lord. 

As you see from the picture above, I've unlocked all 3 for episode 1. I just need to get the certain items to actually have the character. 

The same was for Intergalactic Iron Man, but just settled in a different way since it was only a costume. Nebula is the only character that didn't need a bunch of items to unlock because she cost shards (a rare currency in the game). I was lucky to get her because my mom let me buy enough shards to do it. Without buying shards, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get her since shards are that rare. 

To unlock the other characters you must get to the next stage. I've heard (not sure of) that to get to the next stage you must unlock only Intergalactic Iron Man and Star-lord, but I believe you have to level up in the event. You see, on the picture that shows all the limited addition characters, there is a level bar on top. Maybe once you get to a certain level, the next episode unlocks. I can't find any other reason on why a level bar would be there.

Now this is when things get difficult. During this event, there is a new limited time currency called Energy Crystals that you can get by completing event missions. 

You can use these crystals to buy the limited edition characters, or buildings/decorations. 

The buildings produce certain items. Some for getting characters and the one Iron Man suit, and one  that give you med packs that heal your characters. You might ask, "Why do your characters have to be healed?". Well, guess what. Marvel's Avengers Academy has finally introduced battling! It is really simple battling, but it's something. You see, the certain characters (Nebula, Iron Man, and Star-lord) are able to battle the Chitauri, which also gets you items to unlock other things.

Anyways, not only the way you get to interact in this event, the event's storyline, and the new limited edition characters are amazing, but also the design.

As you can tell, the new world designs coming from the event look really cool, and I hope I get to see even more world designs. Who knows, maybe later in the event we can go to space and see the other super hero school? That would be awesome, but right now I'm just going to focus on getting Star-lord.

 Anyways, this is the end of my post, but I do wanna say that the picture below is just showing you how to play the event and (last but not least) peace. :P :)

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