Friday, September 23, 2016

My sweatshirt design

Here is my sweatshirt design for 21st Century Writing. Hope you enjoy it.

The Creeper Animation

I made this character called, "The Creeper". I wanted to animate him, but I don't know how. I'll try to figure it out and share it with you.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Hey guys/girls! Here is my meme that I made. I made it for a meme contest we're doing in 21st Century Writing. We had to choose a word and make a meme for that word. I chose lachesism because it is feeling that I sometimes have (not going into detail on that). I hope you guys enjoy it, and I'll try to post tomorrow. Peace.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

My bitmoji comic

Hey, guys/girls. Just wanted to show you this project I've been working on in 21st Century Writing.  Hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Story Time Part 5

     Okay, so this is really late, but here is Story Time Part 5. We left off on a hobo staring at us. This is when the story really starts. You see, Ms. Becky is a very generous person, which is a good trait about her, but some people take advantage of that. When me, Dee, Daniel, Princess (my sister), my mom, and Ms. Becky were in line, Ms. Becky saw this middle-aged hobo just staring at us. She brought the attention to the rest of the group, and when the hobo realized we knew he was staring at us he quickly turned his head and walked away. Ms. Becky obviously felt sorry for the poor man because she had a little frown on her face. Then, out of nowhere, she ran to freaking hobo man and started a conversation with him! Everyone in our small group was so confused because she just bought a bunch of grocery's and left them in their bags. Dee was the most frustrated because he was tired from dancing and wanted to go home. He was already grumpy because he wanted to spend a night and my mom wouldn't let him. After Ms. Becky was done having a TEN MINUTE CONVERSATION WITH A HOBO, she came back to us and said that she wanted to buy this hobo some clothes and food. I wish my mom would have argued with her because then I wouldn't have to deal with the nonsense that was coming after this, but she didn't. Instead, my mom contributed into buying the hobo stuff. So, we had to stay at Walmart for at least an extra 20 minutes, buying a hobo clothes and food. To be honest, at the time wasn't so mad that we were helping the hobo, I was actually happy. But, after the events that occurred after helping him, I wish I didn't go to Dee's dance show at all. I guess we will talk about that in Story Time Part 6, but for now, thank you for reading and peace.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Something Extra

Also, I wanted to show you guys this creation I made. Just something extra.