Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Black Panther vs Batman Argument (Me vs Tristan)

This is a  text conversation between me and my friend Tristan. Enjoy!

Me: Hey, Tristan. I know how you like Batman and all, but I was thinking. Wouldn't Black Panther win him? Most people actually agree with me.

Tristan (My friend): Don't care about what you think. Black Panther would get his butt handed to him

Me: Lol. Your funny. You should be a comedian. :P

Tristan: No, you should because you think Black Panther would win Batman

Me: Again with the jokes

Tristan: Yep, well here's another joke: Black Panther could win Batman

Me: I think you lose your comedy gift

Tristan: Hey! I know why you THINK he would win! It's because Black Panther is black, isn't it? Your freakin' racist.

Me: I'm not racist. Anyways I saw a vote on who would win and Black Panther won by 7% more voters, so HAHAHA. :)

Tristan: Well anyone can vote, but they can't however fight like Batman.

Me: Batman is a great fighter, indeed, but Black Panther was trained in the most powerful fighting styles (and some are only known by his Wakandian people) since he was a kid. He has the knowledge of all the Black Panthers before him, which gives him way more experience then Batman. But, of course, no Batman fan boy would ever agree to this so let's say they had the same amount of experience. Well, Black Panther still wins. He is one of Marvel's top 10 smartest characters just so you know, and a great strategist/plan maker since he is the ruler of his OWN country. His armor is much stronger then any of Batman's suits since it is made out of vibramium silk. Black Panther has much more stamina because of his Panther amulet which also gives him other abilities including: night vision, olympic level strength and agility, olympic level speed, a greater sense of smell and hearing, plus a connection with the panther god. He was trained to be a warrior and can see someones moves before they even do it. He has vibramium claws that can rip threw anything, and has the world's greatest tech and resource in his hands. Maybe, just maybe, Batman would win if he had time to prepare for this fierce foe, but if we just got Batman and Black Panther out of nowhere and made them fight to the death, Black Panther would win. Even without his Panther charm, he has an olympic level at everything, the charm just enhances it. But, don't forget, with the panther charm Black Panther gets enhance strength, and this strength once severely injured the Hulk. THE FREAKIN' HULK!

Tristan: ...

Me: Hahaha. Still no reply. Admit it, I've won this debate. Black Panther is BEAST!

Tristan: Nope. Black Panther is gay. That rest my case.

Me: Tell me why Batman would win.

Tristan: Batman always wins because of his master detective work, and he literally knows every fighting style known and unknown to man. He also knows every style of illusion there is. He has an antidote to all poisons and toxins and has pushed himself to the peak of human ability. Not to mention the bat suit has level 8 body protection from combat and guns, along with insulation against pretty much everything!!  Well, there you go. Oh, and also, has Black Panther beaten people with powers beyond comprehension (like Superman) by himself? Well, Batman has!

Me: Still writing a reply, but yes he has.

Tristan: Who?

Me: He has beat Hulk, and once went head to head with Thanos (even though he lost). It was still a good fight. (Still not done with other reply, wait up)

Tristan: Batman has beaten Parkside, Brainiac, Superman, freaking AMAZO (who can copy all the powers of the Justice League BTW) and has even beaten jla on his own, without the help of his team

Me: Batman's armor might be "level 8" (whatever the heck that is) but vibramium can only be destroyed by another vibramium object. And even with "detective skills", that won't do nothing against Black Panther. Black Panther will detect every move of Batman's. Black Panther was trained in the greatest fighting styles, so the others won't mean nothing to him because of how boss he is. Also, since Black Panther is in the illuminati, he has the space gem (an infinity gem) giving him almost unlimited power. I don't care what you say now. HE HAS A FREAKIN' INFINITY GEM!

Tristan: Batman has been worthy enough to wield both the yellow and green lantern rings. But that doesn't matter because he does't need powers to defeat anyone. 

Me: If Black Panther was in the DC universe then he would probably have the green, yellow, and BLUE lantern ring. Green for having to the willpower to protect his own kingdom. Yellow for the fear he gives to all that challenge him. And blue for the hope he gives to his kingdom and his fellow teammates. 

Tristan: But, you see, he isn't DC. So, he would never have the chance to wear the ring for a fact.

Me: Black Panther doesn't need powers either. He is in the greatest shape a normal human can be in. REMEMBER WHAT I SAID, he was TRAINED to be a WARRIOR. He was trained to beat foes like Batman to protect his kingdom from anyone or anything. Another thing is that once Superman carried Thor's hammer. So, if that can happen, Black Panther could wear a stupid ring that is nothing compared to an infinity gem. 

Tristan: Well, remember this: BATMAN FACES FOES ON A DAILY BASES AND COMES OUT ON TOP WITH VIRTUALLY NO CASUALTIES WHERE THERE IS BLOOD ON BLACK PANTHERS HANDS! Also, in Marvel they kill whereas Batman has enough morals not to.

Me: Black Panther only kills to protect his kingdom, like a solider fighting to protect his country. Black Panther is not a cold-blooded killer. 

Tristan: Batman doesn't kill and protects his city and the world.

Me: Black Panther protects Wakanda so well, everyone wants to live there. I don't see anyone wanting to live in Gotham. Also, Batman has killed before and you know it.

Tristan: No he hasn't!!! What?

Me: Here's some proof. 

(I sent him a video of people Batman has killed)

Tristan: What kind of proof is that?! It's to blurry to even read that I don't get what you wanted to show me. 

Me: Oh, well Batman has hanged a criminal from his bat jet and much more. Lik up "list of people Batman has killed" and there is plenty.

Tristan: Wrong and Black Panther is still gay. Bye, I'm getting of for the night so see ya.

Me: Batman is gay.

Tristan: Yes, then what do you call Catwomen and Thalia Al Goul?

Me: What do you call Storm, an omega level mutant and Black Panther's wife?

Tristan: Well, at least Batman gets more girls and has kids. Wonder why Storm won't have a kid with Black Panther...

Me: Yeah well let's call this a tie (for now) and tomorrow let's continue.

Tristan: Sure. A tie, for now. Bye

Me: Peace

The next day we argued again and decided nobody would win (I still think BP would win). Who do you think will win? Tell me in the comments.

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