Sunday, May 1, 2016

Getting Ready For Civil War

Hey guys/girls! I'm sorry I haven't posted lately. I really didn't know what to post, but now I do. Anyways, today's post is going to be about getting ready for the MCU's (Marvel Cinematic Universe) newest installment, Captain America: Civil War. I've been waiting for this movie ever since it was announced. It is based on my favorite Marvel comic, Marvel Civil War, which is actually the first Marvel comic I've ever read. I will be telling you all the information you need to know when you walk into the theaters to watch this amazing movie. So, lets begin.

First off, I want you to know that ever since the 1st Iron man movie came out in 2008 (yes, the MCU is 8 years old), the MCU has been leading to this movie. You see, in every Marvel movie there is a big amount of destruction. Yes, the heroes like The Hulk and Captain America save lives, but they also put others in danger by doing so. For example, in the first Avengers movie New York City was almost completely destroyed. Also, in the Incredible Hulk thousands were probably killed. This goes for Avengers 2, and Thor: The Dark World. In these movies civilians are always put in danger, and now the world is getting tired of it.

Second off, I need to tell what the Superhero Registration Act (SRA) is. The SRA is called the Sokovia Accords in the new movie. I haven't saw the movie, but from reading the comics I have a pretty good understanding of what the Sokovia Accords are (I will now call it SRA). The SRA is a document/contract that all superheroes must sign to be superheroes. Once you sign this contract you no longer have the rights to use your powers, our do "superheroing"without S.H.I.E.L.D's permission.  You also must give out your secret identity to the public, and work for S.H.E.L.D. This is what the Sokovia accords will be, but instead of working for S.H.I.E.L.D., you for the United Nations.

Finally, you need to know why are beloved heroes are fighting. On one side we have Iron Man and his team of: Black Panther, Spiderman, Black Widow, War Machine, and the Vision. They are Pro-Registration. On the other side we have Captain America and his team of: the Winter Soldier, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Ant-man, and Hawkeye. They are Anti-Registration.

I'm almost done now. I just want to tell you movies you should see before you watch Civil War. Here are them in order below.


(Iron Man, Captain America: The First Avenger, The Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, & Avengers: Age of Ultron)

I hope you watch these movies because they will help you a lot when you see Captain America: Civil War. Thank you for giving your time to read this, and I hope you enjoyed. Peace.

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